Cat - Corbin has a black and white
cat named Toby. Toby is highly intelligent and capable of telepathic
communication with humans. His markings tend to vary, but he is
predominantly black and always has some white somewhere, though it may
not be noticeable. Toby's most remarkable ability is his knack for
departing Draegon's Vast Night Kingdom without a portal. Starting
from outside, he is not able to get in, but if he starts from inside,
he is able to appear outside and return. Living Statue - When Jarred was being held captive by Cyril Valkin, Gem made for him a small figurine of a dragon. Jarred died without ever seeing it. When Corbin was blinded, Gem gave the figurine to him to comfort and distract him. And so it did, coming to life within his hand. He named the dragon Tannin, and carries it with him always, though Tannin and Toby occassionally seem to be at odds with one another. |
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