c. Luis Royo. All rights reserved.
Image courtesy of Art History. Used with Permission.
Temuchin's most notable creatures are his nasties. His control over them remains his secret, but they obey him completely. These tiny creatures come in various forms, most usually colored in black or brown, or combinations thereof. Most also tend to be somewhat furry, but always very short fur. They cannot fly, but all are incredibly good jumpers. Nasties drink blood, but feed on guilt and grief. In packs, they will actively manipulate those suseptible to mental control and dredge out memories that will induce the guilt or grief which they desire. Other than this, however, hey are actually rather defenseless and easily killed, but killing one causes the person who killed it to be momentarily overcome by the grief and guilt consumed by the nasty. If eaten, they are bitter, but highly addictive. (One rare species of Nasty has a poisonous sting which will render the victim mentally impaired until an antidote is given. This species is larger, pure black, and much harder to kill.)

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